Some headlines I wrote
Only in such inspiring city you can wear Autumin-Winter and Spring-Summer collections on the same day.
A city that never sleeps. After all, someone has to keep an eye on the trends.
Sunny winters and rainy summers. Sao Paulo definitely sets the trend in every season.
Foi the nice teacher, there’s sweet chocolate. For the annoying teacher, there’s bitter chocolate. And for the stressed teacher, there’s passion fruit Nhá Benta.
A present is worth a thousand words. In this case, even Portuguese teachers will agree.
Here, machines from all over the world speak the same language. Or better, they roar.
You’ve already seen a race that exhilarating. But the oil smell was from the popcorn.
If you are sick of Mariana, Olimpia and Madalena, it’s time to meet Joaquina.
(Vila Mariana, Vila Olimpia and Vila Madalena are neighbourhoods in São Paulo. Whereas Joaquina is a beach in Florianópolois)
Arraial D’ajuda. Perfect for those who live in a city with a neighbourhood called Socorro.
(”Ajudar” means to help someone. “socorro” means “help” in imperative form)
You can see far away when a company is committed to its country’s development.
Our biggest work can only be seen from up high. After all, that’s where we wanna see our country.
Each of our work is result of a lot of bricks, concrete and grey matter.